Wentworth Lodge Home for the Aged
dundas, ONTARIO

Client City of Hamilton
A complete redevelopment of a 1960’s nursing home from an institutional to a new residential model of care, the design focused the new facility around a public ‘parkette’ reclaimed from a parking lot to connect with the community and provide a beautiful focus for residents, with resident areas opening out onto terraces within the parkette. The design included two 26 bed dementia care units wrapped around a garden courtyard for 24 hour resident secure garden access. Generous resident living and social areas were added, and a new main entrance with adjacent living room, chapel and large multi-purpose room. Five fireplaces were included and a water feature provides important touchstones of life. Two resident home areas remained and were renovated also. A 160-bed, 3-storey, multi-wing long-term care facility, this was a complex, multi-phase project in a building that remained occupied throughout the challenging construction process.